Big Fish Aquarium
Factory 1
85-91 High Street
Melton 3337
Sa: 9:00am-5:00pm
Su: 10:00am-4:00pm
Follow the Big Fish Aquarium team on our journey of becoming the best in the west with our in-depth knowledge of all things related to fish and aquariums.
We have over 20 year of combined customer service and fish craziness to provide the Melton and Melbourne West locals with an aquarium that stocked what they wanted and get trusted advice. Big Fish Aquarium was established in mid 2013, By Luke and Jenna Mahoney.
Big Fish Aquarium in Melton is the best shop in the west. Awesome shop friendly faces with awesome service, so who ever has a aquarium as hobby Big Fish Aquarium is the place for you. So don't be shy pay Big Fish Aquarium a visit for all your hobbies needs and if not in store they always happy to help. Sam
We have 16 Bays of fish of coldwater and tropical fish, 12 display aquariums and two live plant tanks.
- Tropical / cold water/ marine fish
- Custom made aquariums
- Aquarium Servicing
- Fish Holiday boarding
Please feel free to contact us with all your fish questions or pop into our showroom.